Xanadu Gold Project.

The Project
The 100% owned Xanadu Gold Project is located in Western Australia’s Ashburton Basin in close proximity to Kalamazoo Resources’ Mt Olympus gold deposit (currently subject to a potential acquisition by De Grey Mining for $30 million).
The project comprises seven prospecting licences and six exploration licences covering 554km².
Platina has well developed drill targets at Xanadu following its extensive exploration effort, including mapping, sampling, drilling and geophysics.
Regional scale geological setting adjacent to million-ounce resource
Xanadu is located on the 470km Nanjilgardy fault zone and its splays. There are a number of multi-million gold discoveries on the trend – adjacent to 1.44Moz Mt Olympus deposit. De Grey Mining (DEG) have an option to acquire Mt Olympus for $30 million. The project flanks Pilbara Craton – hot spot exploration destination following Hemi (De Grey Mining) discovery.

Systematic exploration program to test full potential required
Historical focus on shallow oxide mineralisation for heap leach operation. A large number of economic grade and width drill intersections that require follow up work. Widespread gold mineralisation with a large and intense hydrothermal alteration zone – over 10km long. The Hermes Prospect maiden drill testing completed – further exploration planned
Xanadu West
Large zones of oxide mineralisation.
Historical drilling highlights the gold potential of the project.

Xanadu Deeps
Diamond drilling 4QCY24.
Drilling planned to test AEM and IP geophysics targets