Brimstone Gold Project.

The Project
Platina’s Brimstone Gold Project covers 70 square kilometres and is located 40km north-east of Kalgoorlie.
Tenement package includes five Prospecting Licences, one Mining Licence, one Miscellaneous Licence and three Exploration Licences (1 granted and 2 pending).
Brimstone is an advanced stage exploration project with immense appeal given the previously drilled broad widths and high-grade gold mineralisation. Interpreted geological structures cover up to 10km of strike length of mineralisation on highly prospective greenstone rocks.
There has been approximately $5m of historical expenditure at Brimstone, including, over 964 holes drilled for a total of 51,638m. Most drill holes were less than 50 metres in depth and 93% of holes were previously drilled to less than 100 metres depth.
The Brimstone Project has six walk-up drill targets including, Garibaldi, Old Camp, Eastern Workings, 5 Bob, Jammie Dodger and Lapage VHMS. A few drill intercepts have been followed up by deeper drilling. This historical work has never been followed up with a systematic tenement wide exploration campaign.
Potential for high-grade gold
Assessing options on how to best unlock the value of the project.
Garibaldi Prospect – high-grade and thick intersections from recent drilling program. Significant number of broad widths and high-grade gold mineralisation in historical drilling. Interpreted geological structures cover ~10km of strike length of mineralisation on highly prospective greenstone rocks. ~$5m of historical expenditure, most drill holes < 50m depth and 93% of holes drilled < 100m depth.

Brimstone is an advanced stage exploration project with immense appeal given the previously
defined broad widths and high-grade gold assay results from numerous holes drilled across the
tenement package. This historical work has never been followed up with a systematic exploration
campaign, and therein lies the opportunity.
Brimstone includes six separate walk-up drill targets, including the Garibaldi prospect, which
includes a historical drill intersection of 55m @ 2.07 g/t Au and the Jammie Dodger prospect,
which includes a historical drill intersection of 22m @ 1.96g/t Au, both of which remain open in
all directions.