Mt Narryer Gold Project.

The Project
The Mt Narryer Projects covers 211km2 in Western Australia’s Yilgarn Craton. Under a joint venture agreement, Chalice Mining (ASX:CHN) is earning a 51% interest in the project by spending $600k over two years. Chalice can then earn an additional 24% interest by spending a further $1.8 million over the following two years.
The Mt Narryer Gold Project is located 300km north-west of the company’s Challa Gold Project on the fringe of the Yilgarn Craton, a prodigious gold and base metal producing province.
The application straddles the Carnarvon-Mullewa Road and is only 20 kilometres north of Murchison, providing easy access and accommodation for the field crews.
Mt Narryer project covers aeromagnetic highs splaying off the major fault between the Palaeozoic Lyons Group sediments and the Archean granites and gneisses.
The Archean igneous and metamorphic rocks include the Narryer Terrane metagranitic unit composed of granitic gneiss and granitic rocks; minor granodiorite, muscovite granite, amphibolite, and ultramafic rocks.
It is interpreted by Platina that the aeromagnetic highs may indicate the presence of large ultramafic units within these gneisses that could host similar mineralisation to that found at Julimar.