Beete Gold Project.

The Project
Platina’s Beete Gold Project is located in a historical high-grade mining district near Norseman, and 10km south of Scotia gold deposit. Recent gold discoveries to the south highlight region’s significant potential.
The project’s Exploration Licence Application is located 50 km south
of Norseman and covers 134 square kilometres with access from the Coolgardie to Esperance Highway.
Historically, the region has hosted a number of high-grade gold mines while recent exploration conducted by other mining companies has returned high-grade gold and rare earth results. Pantoro Limited’s (ASX: PNR) Scotia deposit (0.9 Mozs) is located 12km north of Beete. The Scotia deposit forms part of the broader Norseman Gold Project which contains 4.78Moz Au of mineral resources (inclusive of the Scotia Centre resource).
In Q2 2024, a maiden 6,331m aircore drilling program over 202 holes has confirmed the presence of multiple new anomalous gold targets.
The drilling has confirmed the presence of a greenstone belt across the tenure (potentially the extension of Norseman greenstone belt), which was previously interpreted to be the Albany Frazer Orogeny. Further investigation will be carried out along this belt which could host high grade gold deposits like the Norseman mineralisation trend to the north.
Along with the greenstone identification and NE-SW potential 4km Beete Mine Trend, the drilling has served to interpret a major 16km long N-S shear zone. This shear zone starts from the north of the tenure and traverses through the historical Beete Mine.
The Beete Exploration Licence is located 50 km south of Norseman and covers 134 square kilometres. The historical Beete mine, located within the southern end of the tenement package is thought to be a possible extension of the Norseman Greenstone Belt.
Beete sits within an emerging new gold province with nearby recent gold discoveries by Aruma
Resources (ASX:AAJ) and Meeka Gold (ASX:MEK) highlighting the significant potential of the
region. Historical high-grade mining district near Norseman. 10km south of Scotia gold deposit. Recent gold discoveries to the south highlight region’s significant potential.

Historical Drilling
Historical gold production at the Beete project occurred from 1958-165, 1968, 1974 and 1976 (no-production record pre-1974).
Historical production totalled 2,816 tonnes @ 24.8 g/t yielding 2,300 Oz with 7 mine shafts identified in total.
Historical reverse circulation (RC) drilling (mostly <50m depth) on the same structural strike to the south of the tenement, reported the following Au hits:
- 1m @ 5.8g/t
- 10m @ 1.7g/t
- 4m @ 2.7g/t
- 3m @2.32g/t